

Comparison of the best online payment solutions 2022

To help you make the right choice, compare the best online payment solutions by feature.

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Today, it's impossible to ignore online payment. That's why it's essential for e-commerce sites to choose one, also known as a PSP (Payment Service Provider).

To help you make the right choice, this article compares the best online payment solutions according to their features.


According to a study conducted by Ipsos, one of the major causes of shopping cart abandonment on an e-commerce site is a lack of confidence in the security of online payment(for 29% of respondents in 2020). That's why offering your customers a secure, fast and easy-to-use payment system should be a priority.

How to choose the right online payment module 

The payment solution must meet a certain number of criteria and guarantee :

  • A modern, professional image with an easy-to-use, fluid interface.
  • Payment for your products 24/7 , anywhere.
  • Secure transactions (3D Sécure security system).
  • Easy accounting management thanks to real-time information and automatic invoice dispatch.

In addition to its basic functionalities, according to the study"Les français et l'e-commerce" (The French and e-commerce) carried out in August 2021 by Opinion Way, new functionalities are developing rapidly:

  • one-click payment, enabling you to buy without having to re-enter your bank details already registered on the merchant site.

To help you, we've compiled a list of the best-known payment solutions on the market.

Solution comparison


HiPay is an online payment solution accepting numerous payment methods in different currencies.

Free solution and commission per transaction. No monthly fees.



Mollie is an online payment solution that accepts currencies from all over the world.

Free solution and commission on each transaction.



PayZen is Lyra Network's online payment solution.

Free solution and commission on each transaction.



Payplug is a payment service aimed at SMEs wishing to sell in France.

Free solution and commission on each transaction.



Stripe is a complex solution designed primarily for developers.

Free solution and commission on each transaction.



Easytransac is THE French solution for e-commerce, enabling merchants to adapt to digitalization thanks to a range of payment solutions and expertise tailored to your business.

Easytransac already works with over 50,000 customers, with teams located between Paris and Strasbourg for ideal support.

Free solution and commission on each transaction.



Easytransac is also :

  • Easy integration thanks to CMS modules: you save precious time by integrating the POS solution directly into your merchant or non-merchant site in just a few minutes.
  • Guaranteed security in line with European requirements, with data hosted exclusively in France.
  • No subscription, no commitment, no hidden costs: discover the prices‍
  • A test mode that allows users to create an account and carry out tests prior to actual transactions.

Whether you own an e-commerce site or an online store, there's an online payment solution to suit your needs. Easytransac offers you a complete solution, made in France, secure and capable of adapting to your needs. Come and discover it! 



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