

Fractional or deferred payment - The best answer to inflation

Whether it's deferred or fractional payment, offering alternatives that make payment easier is a good way to counter inflation!

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We are currently experiencing a period of inflation. 3 out of 4 Europeans shop online at least once a month. For 20% of them, these purchases are repeated several times a week.(Floa / Kantar study).

That's why it's so important for e-commerce sites to offer innovative payment methods.

Online payment is an integral part of the user experience

Since the pandemic, the digitization of payments has become a requirement for many consumers. According to a June 2020 OpinionWay/Oney survey, 48% of French consumers would like to make more frequent use of deferred payment solutions (21%), fractional payments (35%) or financing (21%) to make their purchases. Paying online is therefore a must-have for retailers: 1 in 4 consumers today choose their site on the basis of the financial services offered.

There are several types of payment facility: focus on instalments and deferred payment.

What is fractional payment?

According to payment organizations, sales by merchants using fractional payments are expected to increase by 15%.(Study/SDI-2022).

Payment in instalments is a facility enabling you to spread your payment over several pre-defined monthly instalments. In most cases, the term of this facility is less than 3 months, and therefore does not constitute a loan.

In 2021, around 31% of French people will have used fractional payments at least once, compared with 25% the previous year, according to the OpinionWay-Floa Barometer on the evolution of payment methods.


In 2021, around 31% of French people will have used fractional payments at least once, compared with 25% the previous year, according to the OpinionWay-Floa Barometer on the evolution of payment methods.

Consumer benefits

  1. Accessibility to expensive goods or services: The main advantage for the consumer is being able to buy goods or services that he or she would not have been able to afford all at once. Paying in instalments makes these products more accessible by spreading the expense over several months.
  2. Easier budget management: Paying in instalments enables consumers to manage their budgets more effectively. Instead of dipping into their savings or using a high-rate credit card, they can spread out their payments in a more predictable way.
  3. Less financial stress: By spreading costs over several months, consumers feel less financial pressure. This allows them to maintain a financial balance without having to sacrifice other essential expenses.
  4. Greater credibility without recourse to traditional credit: Unlike traditional credit, payment in instalments does not necessarily require a strict credit check. This offers an attractive solution for consumers who want to avoid accumulating debt or who don't have a perfect credit history.
  5. No or low interest : In many cases, payment in instalments is offered at no extra cost or with very low interest. This allows consumers to benefit from payment facilities without significant additional costs.
  6. Flexibility and personalization : Some payment plans offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing the consumer to choose the length of the payment schedule according to his or her financial capabilities, adding a layer of personalization to the purchasing process.

Advantages for the merchant

  1. Increased sales: By offering payment in instalments, merchants can attract customers who might otherwise have hesitated to buy because of the high cost. This can result in a direct increase in sales volume.
  2. Increased average basket value: Consumers are more inclined to buy more expensive products or add extra items to their basket when they can spread the payment, which can increase the average order value.
  3. Customer loyalty : Offering a flexible payment option can improve the customer experience, increasing satisfaction and loyalty. Customers are more likely to return to a merchant that offers flexible payment solutions.
  4. Reduced shopping cart abandonment : Paying in instalments can reduce shopping cart abandonment, a common problem in e-commerce. When customers see that they can pay in instalments, they are more inclined to complete their purchase.
  5. Access to a new customer base: Pay-as-you-go allows merchants to target a wider segment of consumers, including those with tighter budgets. This can broaden the customer base and attract new market segments.
  6. Improved cash flow : By collaborating with financial partners who advance funds to the merchant, the latter receives the full amount of the transaction immediately, even if the consumer pays in instalments. This helps maintain a healthy cash flow without waiting for the payment plan to end.
  7. Competitive differentiation : Offering a payment in instalments option can give the merchant a competitive edge over competitors who don't offer this flexibility, thus attracting more potential customers.

What is 'Buy Now Pay Later'?

Also known as Pay Later, this payment method allows consumers to pay for an order at a later date, usually between 14 and 30 days. As with 3x or 4x, deferred payment enables retailers to increase sales, average basket size and customer loyalty. 

Integrate payment facilities into your e-commerce site with Easytransac

Evolving your business model to meet current consumer expectations is essential if you are to remain competitive.

Easytransac is the solution for online payment Easytransac is the solution for online payment: it's a complete package that lets you benefit from all our features.

  • Deferred payment: Choose a payment acquisition date and give your customers more freedom.
  • 100% secure payment for your customers thanks to 3DSecure authentication

Whether it's deferred or fractional payment, offering alternatives that make payment easier is a great way to counter inflation and make your business a must-have. By removing the disincentives to purchase, consumers are less likely to abandon their online purchases, and they're more likely to have a higher shopping basket.

Who we are

With more than 60,000 customers, Easytransac capitalizes on a decade of expertise in various payment solutions (distance selling, ecommerce, convenience selling, cashless, mobile payment...). 

Recently integrated into the HOPPS group and in strategic alliance with InEvents, Easytransac is at the forefront of innovation in the ecosystem of electronic payments and hybrid and cashless solutions that meet the requirements of e-tailers, event professionals and SMEs. 

Our platform simplifies transactions and enriches the user experience, thanks to an intuitive interface and real-time tracking, while ensuring security at every payment.


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