
Payment Solutions

Modern Liquidity: Payment Diversity and Consumer Mobility

Discover how the diversity of payment options and increased consumer mobility are redefining modern liquidity in our connected world.

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Payment Solutions

In today's financial world, the fluidity and flexibility of transactions have become paramount. The evolution of payment methods reveals a marked trend towards greater diversity and accessibility.

Increasingly mobile consumers are looking for payment solutions that can follow them wherever they go, reflecting a significant change in consumer habits and expectations.

At the same time, technology continues to push back the boundaries of what's possible, transforming devices as personal as our smartphones into efficient payment terminals.

This phenomenon democratizes access to electronic transactions and opens the door to a new era of commerce where agility and personalization dominate. Let's explore these developments and their impact on the way we manage everyday transactions.

The diversity of payment methods

53% of merchants plan to accept more payment methods in 2022.

And rightly so! The banknote, which first appeared around the year 1000 in China and 600 years later in Europe, is now disappearing.

The number of ATM withdrawals has been falling since 2014. The act of buying influenced by health restrictions hasn't helped matters. Over 86% of French people pay by Carte Bleue. "Fiduciary" deserts are multiplying. But why?

  • First reason: on average, the French only withdraw €73 twice a month, compared with €500 with a bankcard.
  • The second reason is that people living far from major urban centers have difficulty finding an ATM, and sometimes have to travel several dozen kilometers. Which is very costly.
  • On the other hand, banks are gradually closing their cash dispensers for reasons of maintenance costs. What's more, Europe is planning to abolish 1 and 2-cent coins because they are produced at a loss, which could have a major impact on our daily lives. Is this the rounding-up rule that will be imposed on us for the new prices?

More than half of all purchases are made on cell phones, which are now at the peak of their maturity.

Consumers are increasingly mobile

People no longer wait until they get home to buy. This mobility has naturally led to an increase in the use of cell phones in retail.

The advantages of dematerialized means of payment have been recognized and popularized by the arrival of the pandemic. (Time-saving, hygienic...).

This accelerated pace of change means that retailers need to be highly flexible, in order to respond to the new uses of their customers, while at the same time respecting security through rapid but compulsory authentication.

The preferred means of payment for the French is by card, whether online or in person via #NFC (contactless payment). An increasing number of financial services players have taken the measure of this trend.

New financial players, new opportunities

Over the past few years, a number of companies specializing in checkout and payment services have been springing up all over the place, shaking up the banks in terms of their methods and offerings, although the latter remain strong competitors.

The example of third-party companies with expertise in mobile payment solutions (e.g. payment by QR code) or remote payment solutions (e.g. payment link or "Pay by Bank") is a perfect illustration of this upheaval.

The new players have taken into account consumer habits, lifestyles, budgets and geographical areas, enabling them to offer flexible, simplified payment services in line with the merchant's business model and customer needs.

Whether you're a retailer, an e-tailer or a self-employed professional... Small or large companies now have the choice of the King.

How to choose the right POS tool

A series of questions need to be asked:

  • What will your use cases be?
  • Physical, remote? Or both?
  • Does the solution offer a mobile version in the form of an application or a mobile site?
  • What payment methods does the financial department offer? Are they in line with those of your customers and their practices?
  • Is customer service or technical support easily accessible (telephone, chatBot, FAQ, ticketing, etc.)?
  • Are there any resources available on the site for getting started?
  • Can you easily integrate your brand image?
  • What are the General Terms and Conditions of Sale?
  • How clear are the prices?

For e-tailers:

  • Is the solution compatible with your e-commerce site (via Plugins or an apI)‍
  • If so, are the modules up to date? Are they easy to integrate, or do they require development skills?

There's no mystery about it: nothing beats a TEST to forge your own opinion! Choose solutions that offer a demo mode with no obligation on your part.

Turning your smartphone into a payment terminal: a reality accessible to all

For over five years, Easytransac has been revolutionizing access to payment solutions with its mobile POS technology, designed to meet the mobility needs of businesses and customers, while allaying concerns about the use of new technologies.

This innovation enables anyone to transform their smartphone into an electronic payment terminal (EPT), without the need to buy or rent expensive equipment. What's more, the solution is available without commitment or subscription, offering maximum flexibility for users.

Easytransac's rates are simple and flexible, with the option of adjusting them according to transaction volume. For example, merchants regularly carrying out more than 1,500 transactions per month can benefit from preferential rates, optimizing their cost per transaction. This flexible, no-holds-barred approach makes Easytransac an ideal partner for merchants wishing to modernize their payment systems and offer a better customer experience.

Who we are

With more than 60,000 customers, Easytransac capitalizes on a decade of expertise in various payment solutions (distance selling, ecommerce, convenience selling, cashless, mobile payment...). 

Recently integrated into the HOPPS group and in strategic alliance with InEvents, Easytransac is at the forefront of innovation in the ecosystem of electronic payments and hybrid and cashless solutions that meet the requirements of e-tailers, event professionals and SMEs. 

Our platform simplifies transactions and enriches the user experience, thanks to an intuitive interface and real-time tracking, while ensuring security at every payment.


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