
Payment Solutions

Pay by Link: 3 concrete examples of use

Pay by Link: an innovation that saves time and improves the fluidity of sales processes! Discover 3 application examples.

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Payment Solutions

French consumer habits have changed dramatically in recent years. Online purchases and remote payments are becoming increasingly common. These new payment methods include Pay by Link Pay by Link" is a simple, secure method of payment.

In concrete terms, the merchant sends a payment link to the customer via the channel of their choice (e-mail, SMS, Whatsapp...) in order to proceed with the payment of their purchases. The links are intended solely for this transaction, and direct the buyer to a secure online payment page.

Discover 3 concrete examples of Pay by Link!

Pay by Link + Click & Collect: a winning duo

Click and Collect services have seen their popularity soar in successive confinements. Although this payment method emerged in the early 2000s, it has been an essential sales channel for businesses forced to close their doors. This service offers consumers the possibility of reserving or ordering products from an online store before picking them up on site. Today, 41.1% of French people prefer click & collect.

What are the benefits for retailers?

Consumers expect personalized, mobile solutions from physical stores. The Click and Collect solution offers numerous advantages for retailers who implement it.

In addition to saving time when collecting their goods, real-time customer flows are better managed, with orders picked up throughout the day. Sales have also increased, with customers also buying on the spot when they pick up their order.

Another advantage of Click and Collect for retailers is that it can be set up quickly. No additional hardware or software is required. This service enables retailers to offer split or deferred payment, with part of the invoice paid in advance via a secure payment link.

What are the benefits for customers?

The benefits are no less numerous on the customer side. They save a considerable amount of time at the checkout, and enjoy a smoother, more personalized shopping experience. Payment is completely secure, thanks to the use of reliable payment pages on online stores.

Consumers can pay using the payment method of their choice, and can receive a payment link by email, SMS or URL.

An opportunity for associations

Association members agree: managing membership fees and donations is the most time-consuming of all activities. Between sending the membership form, adding the person to the list of members and donors, recording payments, and sending invoices for tax deduction, there's very little time left to manage missions with real added value. Moreover, cashing cheques and cash requires the almost permanent presence of a member of the association on the premises.

That's where online payment solutions come in!

Here are some of the advantages of online payment for association managers:

  • Cashing is faster than with cheques;
  • Members can join remotely;
  • This method of payment makes it easier to manage membership and accounting;
  • Pay by Link is a particularly persuasive and reassuring way of encouraging members to make a donation. They receive a secure payment link via the channel of their choice, which they simply open to finalize their donation.

Optimize your B2B invoicing

A company that buys its supplies from other organizations benefits from an efficient invoicing program with Pay by Link technology. The company simply sends the invoice notification to its supplier by e-mail, in which the indicated link redirects it to the desired invoice. All the supplier has to do is enter the company's data, such as name, address, Siret or VAT number...

Once the customer has paid the invoice, they receive the corresponding receipt. This invoicing solution is highly advantageous for companies, although it is still not widely used. It enables business owners to save considerable time, better manage cash flow, and simplify invoicing operations.


By now, you're all familiar with concrete examples of how Pay by Link can be used. Whether you're a retailer in contact with private individuals or professionals, Pay by Link is a real innovation that will bring you major advantages in terms of time savings and fluidity of the various sales processes! 

Who we are

With more than 60,000 customers, Easytransac capitalizes on a decade of expertise in various payment solutions (distance selling, ecommerce, convenience selling, cashless, mobile payment...). 

Recently integrated into the HOPPS group and in strategic alliance with InEvents, Easytransac is at the forefront of innovation in the ecosystem of electronic payments and hybrid and cashless solutions that meet the requirements of e-tailers, event professionals and SMEs. 

Our platform simplifies transactions and enriches the user experience, thanks to an intuitive interface and real-time tracking, while ensuring security at every payment.


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