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What activities are prohibited by Easytransac?

1. Activities prohibited by Easytransac

Adoption agency (With profit)

Any organization that generates profits from the placement of children and exchanges with parents wishing to adopt.

Bond Manager

All merchants who make a profit from lending sureties to the legal system, and who act as guarantors for individuals facing legal proceedings.

Collection institution controller

Any activity generating profits from the purchase and resale of :

  • Currencies
  • Mandates
  • Traveller's cheques
  • Money transfers

Child pornography & Zoophilia

Any activity related to child pornography and zoophilia.

Non-approved advice centers

Any unauthorized dealer offering advice on :

  • Debts
  • Financial services
  • Marriage counseling
  • Family advice
  • Alcohol and drug consumption
  • Other personal tips

Organization producing products or services related to the consumption of illegal drugs

Any company whose products or services are exclusively intended to encourage the use of illegal drugs.

Firearms sales on the Internet

Any activity related to the online sale of firearms.

Pharmaceutical products MCC 5122/5912

All controlled drug sales. To carry out these activities, you need to obtain :

  • A GBPP Visa license
  • MasterCard Programme registration

Contact lenses

Online sales of contact lenses (MCC 8043/8044)

Tobacco and cigar sales MCC 5993

Any business selling tobacco and cigars, as well as accessories for tobacco consumption.

To carry out these activities, it is necessary to obtain :

  • Requires a GBPP Visa license
  • MasterCard Programme registration

Inbound and Outbound Direct Marketing MCC 5966/5967

All activities related to telemarketing and direct marketing.

To carry out these activities, it is necessary to obtain :

  • Requires a GBPP Visa license
  • MasterCard Programme registration

Travel arrangement services MCC 5962

All activities related to travel organization services.

To carry out these activities, it is necessary to obtain :

  • Requires a GBPP Visa license
  • MasterCard Programme registration

Bodyguard and private investigator services

All activities related to the marketing of bodyguard and private detective services

Organizations offering services related to Pornography, Charm and Adult Dating Services

Any activity related to the marketing of video, chat, live streaming, photos, audio text, video text).

To carry out these activities, it is necessary to obtain :

  • Requires a GBPP Visa license
  • MasterCard Programme registration

Jamming equipment

Any activity related to the production, sale and rental of cell jammers or similar devices designed to block communications and create zones of silence.

Hypnosis, fortune-telling and clairvoyance

Therapist, magnetizer, bio-energeticist, geobiologist. Clairvoyance includes fortune-tellers, cartomancy stores, tarot card readers and all practices associated with the mystic arts.

All Sales of computer hardware and software, maintenance, assistance, pack installation and repair.

Merchants who sell and repair computer hardware and programming software for personal and professional use, provide computer assistance, install packages or rent servers.

All computer programming activities, data management, and integrated systems design services

Merchants who provide computer programming, system design and data processing services on a contract or fee basis. That they provide a variety of services such as software design and analysis or software and systems modification, as well as data entry or processing and training through the use of customized software.

All services providing support for illegal activities

All legal services that directly or indirectly promote illegal activities.

Charitable institutions that are not audited by a reputable auditing firm and that only canvass by MOTORBIKE

Reputable audit firms must be identified.

Any organization making a profit from the marketing of animals and plants regulated by law

Animals, animal parts, blood or fluids whose marketing is prohibited; noxious weeds; prohibited seeds and plants; animals, plants or other organisms (including derivatives) in danger of extinction or whose trade is otherwise regulated by law.

Dog breeding, dog boarding

Agricultural activity of breeding Canis lupus familiaris or dogs for the production and marketing of puppies.

Any organization selling Marketing Tools for unsolicited communications

Email lists and products specifically created and used to send unsolicited communications.

Any organization marketing illegal driving aids

Radar jammers, license plate covers, traffic light changers and products.

Any organization marketing protected cultural objects and artifacts without a license

Material covered by the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property or Otherwise Restricted by Law from Sale, Transfer; artifacts, cave formations (speleothems, stalactites and stalagmites) and grave-related objects that are protected under the law.

Any organization marketing pyrotechnic devices and hazardous materials

Fireworks and related products; toxic, flammable and radioactive materials and gunpowder substances; explosives.

Any organization marketing offensive and crime scene products

Offensive products, crime Photos or crime scene objects, such as personal effects, associated with criminals or criminal acts.

Any organization marketing "miracle" products

Any product or service that has not proven its effectiveness on patient health and is marketed as a quick-fix solution.

Any organization marketing illegal telecommunications equipment

Devices intended to receive cable and satellite signals free of charge, cable descramblers and black boxes, access cards, access card programmers and fraudsters, illegal tools or products for modifying cellular telephones, and other equipment deemed illegal by the Federal Communications commission (FCC) or other competent regulatory body in the country whose goods are offered for sale.

Any organization marketing illegal products and proceeds of trafficking

Materials, products or information promoting illegal products or enabling illegal acts; goods that you do not own or have the right to sell; goods produced in violation of a third party's rights; goods and contraband restricted from export, import or labeling; motor vehicles subject to restricted transfer; goods registered on public registers (such as real estate) and whose transfer requires formalities that cannot legally be completed online.

Any organization marketing human bodies or human body parts

Organs or other body parts; body fluids; stem cells; embryos.

Any organization marketing hacking and cracking services or products

Manuals, how-to guides, information or equipment that infringe the law by damaging or enabling illegal access to software, servers, websites or other protected property.

Any organization marketing government documents

Including, but not limited to, identity cards, passports, diplomas, titles of nobility and uniforms, unless sold by an authorized government agency or by a supplier accredited by an authorized government agency. This includes business models where application submissions are made on the customer's behalf in services such as passport applications, health insurance forms, etc.

Any organization marketing devices or techniques for unlocking means of protection

Mod chips or other devices to bypass technical protection measures on digital devices, including unlocking iPhones.

Any organization marketing unauthorized or counterfeit goods and merchandise

Replicas or imitations of designers or other branded products; items without celebrity endorsement that would normally require such association; forgedautographs; currency; stamps; banknotes; other potentially unauthorized merchandise.

Any organization marketing or managing copyrighted media and software

Unauthorized copies of books, music, movies and other protected materials or licenses, including copies without proper attribution; and unauthorized copies of software, video games and other protected content, including OEM software and bundled software.

Any organization offering illegal online gambling, including online betting, without the appropriate license

Illegal Internet gaming, provision of gaming and Internet gaming services that are not properly licensed for the given type of service.

Any organization carrying out commercial canvassing to offer administrative services with a view to simplifying the entry of legal or official files.

This restriction includes compliance services (ADAP, RGPD, ERP...), the production of official administrative files on behalf of third parties (Cerfa models), Carte Grise procedures as well as any other related activity.

Any organization involved in escort services

All services related to or promoting Escort services.

Any organization offering services related to binary, forex and cryptocurrencies

Any organization that generates profits or not in the context of an activity of sale, exchange, services related to binary, forex or cryptocurrencies.

2. Restricted and high-risk activities defined by Easytransac

Any marketing of nutraceuticals or food control substances

Foods or food products that provide health benefits, including disease prevention and treatment. These products can be a range of isolated nutrients, dietary supplements and specific diets with genetically modified foods, or plant-based products and other processed foods such as cereals, soups and beverages.

Any organization practicing multi-level marketing or other pyramid schemes

Marketing activities in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for sales from other salespeople they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a multi-level hierarchy of compensation. Includes cases where several levels of workers earn money from each other without actually selling any product.

Any organization marketing extended warranties

Extended warranty companies and merchants offering extended warranty services.

Any organization offering travel and tourism services

Companies providing direct marketing services related to travel and tourism, such as travel agencies, tour operators, etc.

Auction house Sales via auction format of antiques, fine art and collectibles to dealers, private buyers, museums and other institutions.

Any intermediary purchasing organization

Merchants who provide purchasing services to individuals and businesses on a fee basis, as an intermediary in the purchasing process.

Web development

Website creation without specifying an exhaustive list of sites.

Any computer or information network

Merchants who provide bulletin board access or online services via computers. A bulletin board system, or BBS, is a computer system running software that allows users to log on and log out of the system using a terminal program. Once logged in, a user can perform functions such as downloading and uploading software and data, reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users, either by e-mail or post. In public forums.

Any organization offering direct marketing solutions

Organizations offering catalog sales that also operate retail outlets, all merchants selling subscription products or services by direct mail or direct response methods.

Any debt collection / refinancing agency, mortgage / debt refinancing, party payment service providers

Collection agencies, debt refinancing merchants, transaction processing by service providers under contract with card issuers or acquirers. Prohibited unless bank or reputable financial institution.

Ticketing agencies

Ticketing agencies are not considered direct marketers. Not restricted to the entertainment industry.

CBD (cannabidiol)

This activity may be accepted with full validation of the merchant and his site. A transaction history of 3 to 6 months will be required for companies in business for 1 year or more. Any CBD product containing more than 0.2% THC is prohibited.

Any organization marketing precious metals and stones

Dealers in precious metals and stones, including jewelry sales.

Any organization offering online file-sharing services

Merchants providing a platform specifically used for sharing or exchanging any type of electronic files.

Any organization offering payday loans

Any organization that may or may not generate profits from payday lending activities.

Any organization offering health or disease detection tests

This restriction includes all related activities.

Any organization offering parking ticket sales and parking management services

This restriction includes all related activities.

Any organization offering subscriptions or memberships to promotional discount services

This restriction includes all related activities.

If you need any further information, don't hesitate to contact our dedicated teams to help you!